Buying a home is an expensive business, once you’ve factored in the likes of the deposit, stamp duty, solicitors fees and other costs associated with actually getting on the housing ladder.
New research has found that, once we’re in a property, we typically spend £10,743 in the first five years on renovating and refurbishing our new home.
Furniture Choice calculated the average amount spent on everything from putting in new flooring to buying sofas and white goods, as well as expenses associated with maintenance on plumbing, lighting and other essential jobs.
Speaking to Property Wire, one first-time buyer talked about the expenses she’s had since buying her first home two years ago, including having to replace the boiler.
India Benjamin explained that the property looked like it was newly renovated, but that it was all just cosmetic.
“I had to replace the boiler within six months of buying the house. Apparently, it was nearly 10 years old, despite being in a brand new cupboard,” she revealed.
If you’re unsure about the quality or age of a boiler in a property you’re considering buying, you may want to pay a plumber in Manchester to take a look at it and give you their expert opinion. If it needs replacing imminently then you may be able to negotiate a slightly lower price for the property.
Replacing an old boiler should be high on your list of things to do if you move into a new home, given that the North-West Evening Mail recently revealed that old boilers can waste 30p for every £1 spent on heating